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Michael Valentine West - We Are All Fragile

DIGITAL / £4.99

- recPDP3
- recDEP2
- recPXFN
- recECP1
- recDNO4
- Michael Valentine West - We Are All Fragile - Photo Journal

"We are all fragile" was conceived during six days in Aulus-les-Bains, France. The surroundings and sense of space greatly influenced the impressionist tone of the recordings, which were semi-improvised on piano, then processed using a combination of techniques such as granular synthesis, spectral synthesis, non-linear cut and splice, algorithmic delays, harmonic reverb and feedback. Listen to it as a whole, in its intended sequence.

Michael Valentine West is an artist, musician, composer and autodidact who utilises techniques drawn from diverse musical disciplines - minimal, ambient, glitch, hip hop, jazz, post-classical and sound design. Michael has released material under various guises - Twiggy and the K-Mesons, Suck Susan, Lower Third, Mikimo Sosumi and Anal Teens. His work has been released to critical acclaim on labels such as Daddy Tank, Bedroom Research, Kaer'Uiks, Ana Ott, Irrational Media Society, uvg212, Section 27, Abstrakt Reflections and Future Disorder.